
Add an Article to the FoxCentral Article Database

Method Namespace:

o.AddArticle(lcSubject as string,lcContent as string,
             lcLink as string,ldDate as dateTime,
             lcAuthor as string,lcKeywords as string,
             lnProviderPk as int, lcPassword as string) as int

Return Value

number of articles returned


lcSubject as string
Subject of the article

lcContent as string
The description of the article.

lcLink as string
Link to the article.

ldDate as dateTime
Publication date of the article. Note this should be the publication date, not the date that it was submitted.

lcAuthor as string
Author of the article.

lcKeywords as string
Any keywords that apply to this item.

lnProviderPk as int
Foxcentral Provider Pk of the provider who is posting this entry.

lcPassword as string
Password of the provider who is posting this article.

See also:

Web Service wsfoxcentral

  Last Updated: 9/14/2003 | © West Wind Technologies, 2007