.NET for Visual FoxPro Developers Appendix
C This appendix discusses the Visual FoxPro Toolkit for .NET,
which gives VFP developers a great boost up the .NET learning curve. If you’re proficient at Visual FoxPro, it can be
frustrating when first learning .NET. You know how to do something in VFP, but
you don’t know the equivalent .NET base class or language feature to use. This
is where the Visual FoxPro Toolkit for .NET comes to the rescue. This toolkit was created by Kamal Patel and is in the public
domain for the benefit of Visual FoxPro developers. You can download this
toolkit from the Visual FoxPro “GotDotNet” site: http://www.gotdotnet.com/team/vfp/.
The toolkit is a class library with methods that correspond
to Visual FoxPro functions. It allows you to enter familiar Visual FoxPro
commands in your C# or Visual Basic .NET source code.,You can set up the
toolkit in Visual Basic .NET so you can just type the Visual FoxPro
command—without prefixing a class name—and a method is called on a
corresponding class in the toolkit. In C#, you need to enter both a class and
method name. To use the toolkit, you must first install it, and then add a
reference to it in your project. Source
code is provided for both C# and Visual Basic .NET. To give you an idea of how the toolkit works, you can use the
Visual FoxPro StrToFile() command as an example. If you look up the StrToFile()
command in the Visual FoxPro Toolkit for .NET Help file, the top of the Help
file describes two different ways to call this function in the toolkit: 1. Receives
a string and a file name as parameters and writes the contents of the string to
that file. 2. Receives
a string and a file name as parameters and writes the contents of the string to
that file. Receives an additional parameter specifying whether the contents
should be appended at the end of the file. These two items translate into two overloaded methods in the
toolkit. The Help file displays the signatures for each overload, as well as
examples showing how to call these methods. Here is one of the examples in C#: string lcString = "This is the line we want to
insert in our file."; VFPToolkit.strings.StrToFile(lcString, "c:\\My
Folders\\MyFile.txt"); And in Visual Basic .NET: Dim lcString As String = "This is the line we want
to insert in our file." StrToFile(lcString, "c:\My Folders\MyFile.txt") This is great, but what’s even better is the Help topic also
shows you the code that is executed behind the scenes when you call the
StrToFile method. In C#: public static void StrToFile(string cExpression, string
cFileName) { //Check if the sepcified
file exists if
(System.IO.File.Exists(cFileName) == true) { //If so then Erase the
file first as in this case we are overwriting System.IO.File.Delete(cFileName); } //Create the file if it
does not exist and open it FileStream oFs = new FileStream(cFileName,FileMode.CreateNew,FileAccess.ReadWrite); //Create a writer for the
file StreamWriter oWriter = new
StreamWriter(oFs); //Write the contents oWriter.Write(cExpression); oWriter.Flush(); oWriter.Close(); oFs.Close(); } And in Visual Basic .NET: Public Shared Sub StrToFile(ByVal cExpression As String,
_ ByVal cFileName As String) 'Check if the sepcified
file exists If
System.IO.File.Exists(cFileName) = True Then 'If so then Erase
the file first as in this case we are overwriting
System.IO.File.Delete(cFileName) End If 'Create the file if it does not exist and
open it Dim oFs As FileStream =
New _
FileStream(cFileName, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.ReadWrite) 'Create a writer for
the file Dim oWriter As
StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(oFs) 'Write the
oWriter.Write(cExpression) oWriter.Flush() oWriter.Close() oFs.Close() End Sub This code provides an education in using C# and Visual Basic
.NET to access the functionality of the .NET Framework. I’ve seen Visual FoxPro developers use this toolkit in a
variety of ways. Some like to use the Visual FoxPro commands directly in their
.NET code, providing familiar programming syntax. Others just keep the Help
file on their desktop as “training wheels”. Whenever they want to figure out
how to do something in .NET, they look up the corresponding Visual FoxPro
command in the Help file. For more information on installing the toolkit, check out the
Visual FoxPro Toolkit for .NET Help file.
The Visual FoxPro Toolkit for .NET