Web Service FoxCentral

Web Service WSDL Url:

Method Namespace
default (none)

Method Namespace Uri

Web Service Methods

AddArticle Add an Article to the FoxCentral Article Database
o.AddArticle(lcSubject as string,lcContent as string,
lcLink as string,ldDate as dateTime,
lcAuthor as string,lcKeywords as string,
lnProviderPk as int, lcPassword as string) as int
AddItem Add a Item to the news table
o.AddItem(Subject as String,Content as String,Link as String,Date as DateTime,ProviderPk as Integer,Password as String) as Boolean
DeleteItem Deletes a news item by PK.
o.DeleteItem(Pk as Integer, Password as String) as Boolean
GetArticleEx Retrieves an article as an XML object representation
o.GetArticleEx(lnPK as int) as string
GetArticles Retrieves a complete set of Articles
o.GetArticles() as string
GetArticlesEx Retrieves a set of articles with a keyword or provider filter
o.GetArticlesEx(lnProviderPk as int,lcKeywords as string) as string
GetItemEx Returns the content of a news item in XML format.
o.GetItemEx(Pk as Long)
GetItems Retrieves news items based on several filter parameters. Returns data as an XML String in cursor format.
o.GetItems(LastOn as DateTime,TimeZone as Integer,Provider as Integer,Type as String) as String
GetProviderEx Retrieves an indvidual provider by his id. Returns an XML string of the provider object.
o.GetProviderEx(lnProviderPk as Long,lcPassword as String) as String
GetProviders Returns an XML cursor list of providers available.
GetTypes Returns an XML list of the types available
SaveArticleEx Saves an Article from an XML Object representation
o.SaveArticleEx(lcXMLArticle as string) as int
SaveItemEx Saves an item from an XML object representation.
o.SaveItemEx(XmlNewsItem as String) as Boolean
SaveProviderEx Saves a provider from an XML object representation.
o.SaveProviderEx(lcXML as String)

  Last Updated: 6/3/2007 | © West Wind Technologies, 2007